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Disney and Central Florida Tourism District Resolve Legal Dispute

End of a Long-standing Dispute

A long-lasting dispute between The Walt Disney Company 1️⃣ and the Central Florida Tourism District has come to an end, with both parties reaching a settlement. Disney had suspended 1️⃣ its presidential campaign this year, and the district has been providing municipal services, such as firefighting, planning, and mosquito control, 1️⃣ among other things, for most of its five decades. However, it had been controlled by Disney supporters throughout this period.

Reactions 1️⃣ from The Walt Disney World Resort

Jeff Vahle, President of the Walt Disney World Resort, released a statement on Wednesday, expressing 1️⃣ the company's satisfaction with the settlement. He mentioned that this agreement would enable significant continued investment and the creation of 1️⃣ thousands of direct and indirect jobs and economic opportunities in the state.

Resolution of Lawsuits

Earlier, Disney had dismissed a lawsuit in 1️⃣ January, while the district moved forward with litigation against the company in state court in Orlando, aiming to have the 1️⃣ contracts declared void. The district contended that the "eleventh-hour deals" undermined their powers. However, further details of the settlement have 1️⃣ not been disclosed.

Moving Forward: Constructive Engagement

The settlement signals the beginning of a new era of positive engagement between Disney and 1️⃣ the new leadership of the district, enabling important investments and job creation.

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